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Recent and not-so-recent weird behaviour

wispfrog   September 6th, 2010 4:09p.m.

Has anyone else noticed the following?

Sometimes the "to review" figure at the top fluctuates up by about 20. Its stays for a few practices, counting down, and then goes back down again.

Also, just recently recognition of tone 1 as a drawn stroke seems to have got more picky...

Still enjoying everything though!

nick   September 6th, 2010 10:29p.m.

Bugs like that with the review bar have been around a long time, and whether you see them more or less seems to depend on things such as whether the bar is close to zero, whether you're adding, whether you're doing a bunch of words that share common characters, how many parts you're doing, your timezone, whether I've recently told you I've improved it, and whether you're paying close attention to it. For now, despite much effort, I've found the best treatment to be to not look at it too much! I'll eventually rewrite it so that it can work better...

I haven't changed the recognition of first tone strokes at all yet, though they're on my list to do.

skritterjohan   September 7th, 2010 9:19a.m.

I found refreshing the practice page once or twice also helps to resolve these kinds of issues. Also, by the time you get down to around 0 and then refresh once or twice and practice until the counter is actually 0 the problem is gone :)

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