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Strokes too thick

Jose   August 23rd, 2010 12:58p.m.

I'm using Wacom tablet for kanji training. I really enjoy it but I find the strokes too thick, is there any way to configure this?

Btw, while in practice mode I hit "progress" and the I'm going back to "practice" the strokes are pretty thin and perfect for my taste... I suppose it's not a feature, just a 'good' bug ;)

I've checked the preferences for the tablet but I didn't a setting for "thickness".

nick   August 23rd, 2010 1:50p.m.

It's the "tip feel" setting; lower it to get thinner strokes.

If you don't have the Wacom browser plugin installed, it may not be using the pressure sensitivity of the tablet, but instead just going based on number of strokes in character and how fast you're writing. In which case, writing faster will give you thinner strokes.

Jose   August 23rd, 2010 3:26p.m.

Thank you for your quick answer. Now it's perfect!

I readed that page but the settings for the Wacom tablet are translated into Spanish in my PC... so "tip feel" is "sensibilidad en la punta". Good translation but I missed it...

Anyway, now it's working! ;)

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