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wacom plugin overiding scaling proportions

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   July 30th, 2010 2:53p.m.

When I go into the wacom settings, and restrict the screen proportion to be only a portion of the pad, it will work until the wacom plugin on skritter kicks in, and then resets the proportions back to full scale,

Is there anyway for me to prevent this?

I figured out how to get my pad to write in portrait mode, so now its zero cramp on my wrists (before half my hand would have to rest off of the pad),

but the proportions get messed up unless i restrict the writing size, (the distance from up to down is twice the distance from left to right, since its not the same proportion as the monitor)--

Its an easy fix by just limiting the screen in the settings to be the correct proportions as before (but smaller..), but the wacom plugin in skritter is resetting it back to the full writing scale, and thus making it me require twice the physical distance to draw a line across, than down.

The real solution should be to stop writing so much, but i dont want to!

Disabling the plugin makes the proportions work correctly, but i can' draw strokes faster than 1 per second or they won't pick up

I'm sure there no way to make this work without rewriting the plugin itself, but maybe there is-- and i thought it was worth a shot seeing if someone else has something set up like this, or would know how to get it work

Sorry for the lengthy post, and thank you for your time if you read it!

nick   August 2nd, 2010 10:13a.m.

The Wacom browser plugin shouldn't have anything to do with the writing speed--it should only affect the pressure sensitivity of the tip, such that you write wider squigs when you press down more.

I would recommend turning off the plugin and going through all the settings here to see if any make a difference:

ジェレミー (Jeremy)   August 2nd, 2010 12:25p.m.

Will do- Thank you!

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