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Hi from Australia + vocab list disapearing?

Neil   March 29th, 2010 1:36a.m.

Hi there everybody,
Just signed up and making a first attempt at remembering how to write! Might do HSK later in the year. Any other aussies around?

Anyway, on the new practice page i have 4 vocab lists lined up. I've just finished getting through the first list (HSK1) and now going back into practice, it's no longer an available "study this list" option?!

- update - i've gone through the vocab - textbooks page and clicked on 'study this list' then exited practice itself and now HSK1 is back on the practice page.

all good!

Neil   March 29th, 2010 5:04a.m.

hmmm now it's not pulling any new vocab from HSK2. telling me I need to add more lists when I have only just started HSK2 ( I already started HSK 2 it before i started focusing on HSK 1)

it is set to add new vocab from HSK 2, checked that...

any ideas?

nick   March 29th, 2010 10:51a.m.

It might have gone away because you "finished" it (added through the last section). Have to talk to Scott when he gets back about whether we can change it so that doesn't happen.

Perhaps it wasn't set to add automatically? I'm not sure. I do have some bugs to fix with it giving that message when it shouldn't, so hopefully I can resolve your case when I do those other fixes.

It looks like you're adding words now, though, so something's working. I also see that it thinks you have a maprillion words to review. Perhaps you should clear those before continuing to add?

Neil   March 29th, 2010 12:28p.m.

Thanks Nick - would be good to keep the completed lists up as it still needs to be reviewed.

how do i clear words to review? I thought the idea is that the program will keep a record of what you've done and bring each word up for review at some point in time so they are all 'fresh'

nick   March 29th, 2010 12:31p.m.

Oh, yes, it does. But it only gives you words to review from the list you're currently studying. So in order to do those reviews, you should practice using the "Everything" button.

mjd   March 29th, 2010 8:42p.m.

Yes another Aussie is here (I'm in Melbourne).

Neil   March 29th, 2010 11:57p.m.

Today I've gone in and studied 'everything', 15 minutes into the session it's saying I "need to add more words, enable some vocab lists".

So I exit, go back in again and 5 minutes later the same thing. The little plus button is greyed out.

Whenever the message comes up I will see the same 10 or so questions over and over again.

Lurks   March 30th, 2010 5:12a.m.

Also in Melbourne.

nick   March 30th, 2010 9:10a.m.

Hmm; I don't get it. You have 1352 items to review. Does it not show that on your review bar and home/practice page item counts? And you're practicing on this page?

Your computer's date and time isn't set really weird, is it? (Long shot...)

Neil   March 30th, 2010 10:53a.m.

Hi Nick my timezone was wrong but after fixing that and restarting the issue is still coming up.

The page is as per your URL and the review bar is down to 1244 and now 1129 after 2nd attempt.

Any ideas?

Byzanti   March 30th, 2010 11:14a.m.

Err. Maybe check your frequency of words added in options? It's not on the highest one or somesuch?

Neil   March 30th, 2010 11:39a.m.

hang on when i fixed the time zone the date went forward to tomorrow. I've fixed that and now i've been going for 30 minutes without any issues...

I think that's solved it. :)

PS the five tone options tabs are not showing up for me as of earlier today - I have to draw the tone.

nick   March 30th, 2010 1:16p.m.

Some weird bug indeed. I've made a change that should let me know when it's happening and why. I've also suppressed the message, since it was happening at inopportune times for now.

nick   March 30th, 2010 1:17p.m.

To put the tone buttons back, reenable them on your practice settings page. You had them enabled and then disabled them?

Neil   March 31st, 2010 4:18a.m.

Nick - Oh yeah tone was my fault, the radio buttons were missing one time so i clicked randomly. All good.

Gday Lurks and mjd - do you guys have any sort of meet up or anything in Melb?

nick   April 7th, 2010 12:56p.m.

I think I've fixed the local system time issue for real this time. That should retire a bunch of rare, terrible scheduling bugs.

scott   April 20th, 2010 3:12p.m.


With the new system, I've made it so that finished lists do not disappear from the list of lists. Bug fixed!

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