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If you do not know what to do with your language skills, sort of

Mandarinboy   November 17th, 2012 7:35a.m.

You have mastered your language but have no idea what to do with it, why not give a music career a shoot;-)

How about a 老外 version of gagnamn style:

For our Japanese learners, believe it or not but there is a market for even this sort of music. Yes, he is a boy and he is from Sweden.

yechan831   November 18th, 2012 11:22a.m.

Ha, cool thanks man. That laowai style video is great! The guy seems pretty cool too. More videos of him on youtube. And the video is on youku also. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDYwMTg3ODQ0.html

Thanks for sharing Mandarinboy

Laspimon   November 18th, 2012 12:43p.m.

Yechan, what is up with your stats? You have studied more characters than there are Unicode points, and you have done so with a rate of 89 characters per minute, and that is not even counting the compound words. Something smells fishy.

Chinese Stats
Time Spent 37 hours
Characters 197466 learned
Words 197268 learned

nick   November 18th, 2012 5:48p.m.

yechan831 was an early iOS app alpha tester and his progress stats suffered the consequences!

yechan831, if you want to de-疯狂 your stats, we could run the progress recalculator on them.

Schnabelhund   November 19th, 2012 3:24a.m.

Progress recalculator? Intriguing! How does it work?

nick   November 19th, 2012 12:37p.m.

It looks at all the items that actually exist for your account and resets your progress totals based on those. We hid it because it creates a discontinuity between your old progress stats and the new, recalculated ones, and this was freaking people out, even in the case where the changes were small.

Sometimes it was needed because of massive iOS progress bugs, like above. Other times, an accumulation of small imprecisions due to bugs we've now fixed eventually led to substantial drift over time. As soon as I fix one more bug and turn the batched item saving back on, we're hoping the progress stats won't have any inaccuracy going forward.

Schnabelhund   November 20th, 2012 11:43a.m.

Can it help to reset the progress of characters we’ve removed from the studies? I discontinued studying the simplified characters and would like to 'forget' them so I can see a more accurate overall retention rate.

nick   November 20th, 2012 1:23p.m.

That it wouldn't do, since those items are still around, just not active. Note that your overall retention rate since you turned off simplified characters would just be based off of the traditional reviews you do--it's only the retention rate before you made the switch that includes those simplified reviews.

Schnabelhund   November 20th, 2012 1:36p.m.

Oh, alrighty then!
Can we somehow see which words are inactive but still around?

Schnabelhund   November 20th, 2012 1:44p.m.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, Mandarinboy

nick   November 20th, 2012 6:51p.m.

I don't think there's some easy way for you to do it. Are you interested in this? No item is ever deleted unless you nuke, so any items for words in lists that you used to study but removed, or in styles/parts that you don't study any more, or that you've banned, will still exist, waiting for you to re-add them.

Schnabelhund   November 21st, 2012 6:54a.m.

It could be interesting. Maybe I can find some lost gems I’d like to re-add. I thought it’d be feasible since you guys created the "Old Words" lists after the big list reorganization a while back, but if it’s not, it’s not a big deal.

nick   November 21st, 2012 3:27p.m.

I just checked it out and it seems like there are 1262 of these for your Japanese and 2432 for your Chinese. A lot to look through. Are you still interested in the list?

Schnabelhund   November 21st, 2012 4:02p.m.

Great, thanks! Can you send me the list or spreadsheet per email?

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