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Importing vocab lists?

Aaron Dolman   September 8th, 2010 7:19a.m.

Hi there

I use Pleco and have vocab lists and was wondering if there is any way to import lists yet? If not does anyone know when this feature will be available?


nicogo   September 8th, 2010 10:10a.m.

Aaron, I have the same problem. I use Plecodict a lot, and didn´t find the way to import all the vocabulary + mnemonics in Skritter.
What I did is that I exported my Pleco database towards Excel, and then, in Skritter, created a Custom list(Vocabulary -> Custom list -> New List -> Make the list) and all the sections required (sections edit -> add a new section ... -> save).
Then you open the first section, and copy paste all the hanzi from Excel to Plecodict.
As far as I know, that´s the only way.
And for mnemonics, once created your list, you have to "cram" it and, for each hanzi, click on the magnifying icon and copy-paste you mnemonic from Excel. It takes an awful lot of time.
Would be great to have an import feature...

nick   September 8th, 2010 1:11p.m.

Which way did you want to import the lists, Aaron? We don't have anything automatic, but copy/paste should get you most of the way there.

To add mnemonics, you don't have to cram the list -- you can get the same popup by clicking on the word in the section viewer and add the mnemonic there. To go the other way, there is a page that lists all your words and mnemonics, which would be easier than cramming the list:
This is one of the tools in the Vocabulary page.

nicogo   September 8th, 2010 1:32p.m.

Thanks Nick for the tip for adding mnemonics more quickly ! I just didn´t get your last point : if I go to vocabulary / mnemonics, I can only see those mnemonics that I have already created, not all the words from my list which haven´t got any mnemonic yet ?

nick   September 8th, 2010 2:28p.m.

Right--that only works in the other direction, which no one has asked for here. I was just trying to be helpful and raise awareness of that page, which is a little buried.

nicogo   September 8th, 2010 9:01p.m.

No problem, and thanks for the 1st tip that will save me a lot of time !

Aaron Dolman   September 10th, 2010 7:17p.m.

hey guys - sorry not to reply sooner - i kinda got tied up making vocab lists. I didn't realise how easy it actually is to make a new vocab list. it just means i can now easily add and study the new words i am currently doing in class rather than randomly doing lists.

thanks guys - the more i use features on here the better it is.

mwcayard   September 30th, 2010 11:53p.m.

I'm probably overlooking something very simple, but where is the "section viewer" Nick mentions in the third post on this thread. I just started created a custom list for my class textbook and want to add mnemonics at the same time I create the list, but I don't see any way to do that. The only thing I can figure out is to cram the list as mentioned above.

nick   October 1st, 2010 8:23a.m.

Once you save the list, you can click on a section title to view the words in that section. For each word in that section, then, you can click on the word to get the word popup and add your mnemonics. (Inside a section, too, there are previous/next buttons so you can do all the words easily.)

mwcayard   October 1st, 2010 11:01p.m.

I opened the list (saved but not published), clicked one of the sections to open it, got the list of words, but when I click on the word the only thing that happens is the word is highlighted, no popup. I am doing this from the vocab>custom lists page.

Byzanti   October 1st, 2010 11:12p.m.

Perhaps if you hit the edit button first?

mwcayard   October 2nd, 2010 1:00a.m.

thanks, already tried that, just lets each word be edited, but no popup

Byzanti   October 2nd, 2010 1:28a.m.

Ah, sorry, you don't need to go to edit.

Just tried on a saved list. You need to open a section then click on the word/character itself (clicking on the pinyin and definition wont do anything).

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