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YouJing   February 3rd, 2011 10:02a.m.

Today is the first day of the Chinese year. I hope everybody will have a great year of the rabbit and I wish you all the best of luck with your continued Chinese studies.

Happy New Year everybody and Happy New Year Skritter!

Alex444   February 3rd, 2011 11:13a.m.

thanks YouJing. I didn't know.
By the way, isn't it rather 元旦快乐?
or both will do? :)

Foo Choo Choon   February 3rd, 2011 11:34a.m.

@Alex444: "元旦,也被称为“新年”或“新历年”,是指现行阳历1月1日。但在古代,“元旦”即是今天的“春节”,也就是夏历新年。" ----> 阳历1月1日. http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E5%85%83%E6%97%A6



o   February 3rd, 2011 12:07p.m.


Tortue   February 3rd, 2011 1:14p.m.

生意興隆 !!!

ximeng   February 3rd, 2011 5:27p.m.


My attempt of translation of the Chinese bits for anyone who wants (I think Nick encourages this for the members of the forum who can't read Chinese):

元旦, otherwise known as "新年", refers to the 1st of January in the currently used solar calendar. In the past, 元旦 referred to today's Spring Festival, that is the new year's day of the lunar calendar.

Happy new year, may everything turn out as you hope.

Have you wrapped your dumplings? What did you think of CCTV's Spring Festival show?


Wish everybody a very happy and fortunate new year.


May your business be prosperous!


I saw part of the CCTV Spring Festival show, in that part the hosts also asked everybody if they'd wrapped their dumplings. Also saw an interesting comedy sketch called "Midnight phone box", made me smile a little. I found this year's programme easier to understand than last year's, but still a little too hard, so just watched a little. Hopefully next year I'll understand everything they say. Just need to keep working hard. A happy rabbit year to everybody.

(corrections are welcome from the pts's and 穆尔s of the world, i.e. people with better Chinese than me!)

pts   February 4th, 2011 6:40a.m.

ximeng: Thank you for the compliment. Actually, my grammar is very weak. But since you have mentioned my name, so here comes my version below.

我看了[一段]央视联(欢)晚会,那时候主 (持)人也问大家[]有没有包好饺子。还有一(段)有意思的相声,叫午夜电话亭,让我笑了一(会)。我觉得[今年的节目比去年的]更容易听得懂,但是还(是)有点难,所以只看了一点点。希望明年我(能)理解他们所有的话。要继续努力啊。祝大家兔年快乐。

Neil   February 4th, 2011 9:53a.m.

新年的第一天也叫做 除一。 除一去外公的家吃晚饭,今天是除二所以要去外婆那边吃饭。

breakphreak   February 4th, 2011 12:50p.m.

wish you best New Year :)

probably next year I will be able to understand what was written in this post :)

pts   February 4th, 2011 1:21p.m.

The days of the month in the Chinese calendar are: 初一、初二 。。。初十、十一、十二。。。二十、廿一、廿二。。。廿九、三十。Since the new year day also starts a new month, so the first day of the new year is初一。To emphasis that it’s the first day of the year, it is called 大年初一 、年初一 or 正月初一 (as the first month of the year is also called 正月)。Today is the second day, so today is 年初二。

ximeng   February 4th, 2011 5:47p.m.

Thanks pts :p

Neil   February 7th, 2011 10:02a.m.

Another one that I hadn't noticed before now is 欢度春节!

it seems 度 can be attached to the back of quite a few words - e.g. 密度 density

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