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Edit List Section - max words

balsa   June 27th, 2010 7:35a.m.

Is there a reason why the limit is set to 200 words?

I created a custom list to record new vocab from a book. I organized it so that each section corresponds to a chapter, and new words are quickly adding up.

Is there a way to either:
- increase the words limit
- or have the option to create sub sections? In my situation, the sub sections would correspond to the different sections in the chapter. This would help having shorter list of words.

jww1066   June 27th, 2010 9:01a.m.

I thought the limit was 200 words per section. Do you have a single chapter with more than 200 words?

KenM   June 27th, 2010 9:11a.m.

Regardless of the problem you're having, I think this is a great idea. Please share your list, and the name of the book when you're done!

balsa   June 27th, 2010 10:04a.m.

To give you an idea, here's the current chapter I am reading/studying: http://www.esgweb.net/mz/whkl/020.htm
Actually, in the book (real one in paper ^_^), within each chapter, there's numbered paragraphs, which is why I am suggesting being able to create another layer with sub-sections in Skritter, it would fragment my list a great deal.

I am reading 文化苦旅 from 餘秋雨, and Yes(!) I intend on publishing the list when I am done. It's a book with a lot of historical insights and personal anecdotes from the author's travel in China. I am reading the chapter on Shanghai, and it's really interesting to say the least!

nick   June 27th, 2010 10:14a.m.

200 words per section is a performance limit. In the old editor, we didn't limit it like that, people quickly pasted in sections with 800 words in them, and then the list viewer crashed every time they tried to view the section.

Instead of creating sub-sections, could you create sections with both the chapter name and the number of the paragraph?
上海人 3
Or multiple chapters per section:
上海人 4-7

balsa   June 28th, 2010 7:01a.m.

mmhh, ya, that's a workaround, but it would still be very helpful to not be limited at just 200 words.
I understand that the system can have performance limits, but 200 is still rather low.

If the list viewer was to only show like say 100 words per page, could it not help prevent the display from crashing? (kind of like in the Browse view in the Queue display)

Are you guys planning on increasing that limit or dealing about the issue in the future?

scott   June 28th, 2010 11:22a.m.

Not planning to increase the limit for the time being.

Besides performance issues, we would also prefer to encourage people to not have really really large sections, so that the groups are more clearly defined. Isn't it better to have them broken up into the smaller groups so you can quickly find the set of words you're looking for? I'd rather not have to search through a long page of 200 or more words to find the 10 or 20 I'm looking for.

jww1066   June 28th, 2010 11:26a.m.

Yeah I am definitely suffering with some of my lists that have gigantic sections. It's much harder to measure your progress through the list that way, for one thing, and browsing the list becomes tedious.

jww1066   June 28th, 2010 11:30a.m.

By the way, what ever happened to the idea of tagging words and characters? That would allow a lot of extra flexibility when it comes to structuring custom lists. For example, let's say my textbook has two vocab lists at the end of each chapter, "essential vocab" and "supplementary vocab". Some teachers might have their students only focus on the essential vocab while others might include the supplementary vocab, but the question of "essential" or "supplementary" is orthogonal to the question of "which chapter".

I think the ability to tag custom lists has worked out wonderfully, by the way. I use the tag browser on a regular basis.


balsa   June 28th, 2010 3:45p.m.

I'm still not convinced... and kind of disappointed there's no plan to improve on this word limit or the structure of the Customs Lists.

I think it'd actually be more convenient to look up a word from a long list, than having to click through many lists to find that particular word, because from it looks like, I will be generating quite a lot of lists.

Anyway, I'll wait until this really hinders my user experience to formulate more convincing arguments. I can live with that for now :)

nick   July 1st, 2010 3:04p.m.

Well, we are planning to add better word search, so that you wouldn't need to look a word up in its lists. (When you find a word through the search, it will also tell you what lists and sections it has been added from.)

Glad to hear the list tagging has been good. I'm not totally sold on the vocabulary tagging, though. It seems like a tag is just like a list--a word can be in multiple lists the same as it could have multiple tags. Unless the tag would be list-specific? The essential and supplementary distinction is pretty easy to handle when making a list: check out how we do it for the new Integrated Chinese 1 3rd ed. list we just put up:

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