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New words not being added?

雅各   March 23rd, 2010 6:16p.m.

Lately I am getting to the point where new words are not being added, I have paid up so I am not sure what is going on? My practice screen ends up at 0 words to review and 0 words in the queue? Anyone got any ideas what might be going on?


雅各   March 23rd, 2010 6:21p.m.

I worked out a work around, if you close the page and open it again, it adds a bunch of words to the queue.

nick   March 23rd, 2010 11:23p.m.

I'm not sure--looking at your settings, it all looks fine. Did you add some more vocab lists since this post?

If you want new words added at any time, and Skritter isn't adding fast enough for you, you can click the manual add button (the green + next to the added bar).

雅各   March 24th, 2010 3:30a.m.

Nope, all I did was close the browser tab and re-open skritter and it added a pile of new words. I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it except it has happened a few times now.

friederike   March 24th, 2010 3:49a.m.

I've had the same problem. I had set my add words to manually and a few items in my queue, which I added with the plus button. Though, when I pressed it, I got the "new item added from your queue" message, but the added item count didn't increase and I was never asked the new characters. Only after refreshing the practice page the new item count went up and I saw those characters.

Could it have to do with the spacing between character writing and definition/pinyin practice? The items in my queue were either only pinyin or pinyin and definition, and you mentioned somewhere that you tried to keep writing and definition or pinyin practice apart so that they don't come up at the same time.

Turning the add words to automatic and activating a vocab list has added a bunch of items (also only pinyin and def), though, and they all appeared in the same practice session without refresh. I'm not sure though whether anything from my queue was added since...

Hope that helps a bit to figure out what's wrong.


Byzanti   March 24th, 2010 6:03a.m.

I have noticed if you add a list at the same time the practice page is open (without refreshing) it wont pick it up.

nick   March 25th, 2010 2:58p.m.

Sounds like some of the new added words are getting stuck somehow and a page refresh is clearing them out so they can be studied. Hard to say what is causing it (could be a lot of things, including the spacing not working quite right, yeah). Hopefully I'll find it during one of my debugging sessions. Thanks for your patience on this one.

Dailycookie   April 2nd, 2010 3:01a.m.

This problem hit me today too. I was studying a new list and it added 12 words... then it just kept repeating those words without adding new ones. After I fiddled with the settings and changed how frequently to add words it got out of control. Within about 5 minutes of switching between the control page and the practice page, to try to get the speed right, it has added about 50 words which is more than I'm ready for.

I'm not sure what I did to cause it... but I'm just not going to click anything else and hope it gives them to me at an ok speed...

Byzanti   April 2nd, 2010 6:40a.m.

kohoutek: Were you studying 'list only' rather than everything? I studied list only the other day, and it was really adding too fast without reviewing. Still, 'everything' is probably a better option for that regardless.

Dailycookie   April 2nd, 2010 8:46a.m.

Yeah, I was studying list only... kind of because of an odd situation:

I didn't really start using Skritter until I was almost at the end of the second volume of the textbook series I use. Now that I've stopped taking daily classes, I thought I would go back and start from the first chapter of the 1st textbook because I really felt behind on all that written vocabulary from the first book... which I can easily recognize when reading, but can't write from memory for the life of me. BUT, since my main queue is full of newer vocab from book 2, I study Book 1 as a seperate list.

I know I ought to just add the Book 1 vocab slowly to my main list... but honestly I feel I need to start over. I should probably just delete my whole queue.

I almost hit that delete all button this morning... but the warning about not being able to undo made me nervous that it might also delete my custom lists for the Practical Audio Visual Chinese test books.

nick   April 3rd, 2010 10:27a.m.

I still recommend against deleting all your words. If there are words in there you really don't want to learn, then delete them individually from the practice page. For most of the words, you've probably already put in most of the effort you'll need to keep them, and they will be useful.

That said, your custom lists won't be deleted if you nuke.

Not sure what happened on the adding thing; sometimes words can be added during a previous practice load and will still show up as new when you go to a new practice, so that can cause confusion.

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