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"Move to next section manually"

levitooker   January 27th, 2010 2:22p.m.

Whenever I have the settings so that it moves to the next section manually, it always adds the first character of the next section and then stops. Is there any way it could just stop at the end of the current section and not load the first character of the next section until I tell it to move forward?

scott   January 27th, 2010 4:48p.m.

I've fixed this bug. I'll put it live soon. Thanks for the report!

levitooker   January 29th, 2010 11:17p.m.

Hmm...now it won't move to the next section at all. :-/

levitooker   January 29th, 2010 11:20p.m.

Okay, I got it to move on, but I had to reload the practice page.

levitooker   January 30th, 2010 3:37a.m.

Working fine now. Must have been my browser or something?

scott   January 30th, 2010 11:47a.m.

Hmm, could have been any number of things. If it shows up again, let us know with as many details as you can so we can investigate further.

levitooker   January 31st, 2010 9:53p.m.

It's doing it again. I have a list with three sections, I know all the words in the first two sections, and I want to add the third. I press the "play" button to add new words, and it stays stuck on the first section until I reload the page, and then it will stay stuck on the second section until I reload the page again. Only then will it load words from the third section.

levitooker   January 31st, 2010 10:22p.m.

I'm also having another problem. As I was reviewing the characters on this list, I wanted to select the other definition for one of the characters, so I removed it, edited my list to change it to the other definition, and then added the words again, but for some reason I'm not being tested on this character. I tried adding it to my queue directly, but it claims I'm already studying it. I tried adding it separately in a list of one character, but it still won't quiz me on it.

levitooker   January 31st, 2010 10:39p.m.

Hmm...well, I tried everything I could think of multiple times, but it was clearly not going to allow me to study this character again, so I'm nuking my Japanese and starting over from Lesson 1. I need the review anyways.

scott   February 1st, 2010 12:06p.m.

Sorry you had to resort to that to do what you wanted to do!

Thanks for the details on the lists. I was able to reproduce the problem and fix it. Basically the active lists box wasn't playing nice with the 'move to next section' option. The fix will be put live shortly.

As for adding the individual character, the thing was you already 'knew' the character well through the word. We track 'word' and 'character' versions separately. So if you add the word '水', it will add and track both the word, which is just pronounced 'みず', and the character, which constitutes all the various readings ( "水: スイ, みず" ) and abstract meanings it has. So you tried to add the character vocab, but it was already added and marked as well known.

We're going to be doing some overhauling of the general list system in the near future, which will give you better and more intuitive control over what you study. We'll see if that helps situations like this out!

Thanks for your patience!

levitooker   February 2nd, 2010 11:36p.m.

Ah, I see. The thing is I'm being picky about learning all the kanji by their Heisig keywords. I haven't actually started to learn real Japanese first, and I figured it would be fun to learn all the general use kanji before diving in.

I appreciate how most of the time, the first definition given for the kanji is the Heisig keyword, but sometimes I have to add a custom definition to get the Heisig keyword first, and when I do that it's counting it as a word. I hope the overhauled system will deal with single-character words more easily.

Thanks a lot for the fix, and thanks generally for doing all that you guys do. I know for a fact I wouldn't be progressing through the Chinese and Japanese characters nearly as fast without you.

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