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Progress bar on section cramming

aharlekyn   August 24th, 2010 4:09p.m.

I just crammed a section of a list for the first time and noticed that there is no blue/green 'progress bar' at the top left and the green + button is also missing. Is this suppose to be missing?

I found a nice way to add words to my study list is to cram a list and after that go to the practice everything. It seems it wont work so good with the sections of the list as I dont have the same control.

No biggy though. Could just overcome it by keeping to my old habits.

nick   August 25th, 2010 10:55a.m.

Section cramming intentionally doesn't have those, because it works differently. It's usually not recommended; really it's only for if you need to cram for a test. But because the current UI nudges people toward it more than it should, it gets overused and causes problems!

Our next vocab system design will relegate section cramming to a hidden cranny and it'll all be about studying everything or one list.

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