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Comparative language insights?

icecream   August 3rd, 2010 10:35p.m.

I was watching a few videos on youtube about languages and had an interesting insight: there are very few words in Romance languages that have the letter “w” in them; it’s mostly confined to Germanic languages (of the languages that I am familiar with). I took two years of Spanish in high school and never noticed, funny huh?

I was wondering if anybody else has had any “aha” moments. I figure that people who study both traditional and simplified Chinese characters have had a bunch of insights that they can share.

nick   August 7th, 2010 8:58a.m.

That's interesting about the W. Wikipedia's article on it, as always, sucked me in. Curses!

It seems like every five minutes that Maksym is discovering a new character that was taken from Chinese back before some J->K shift into Japanese where it became part of a loanword from English and then was taken back into Chinese with that loanword's meaning or something like that and excitedly messaging me about it. Interactions between Chinese and Japanese are rich that way.

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