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This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Skrittering with a textbook

rmpalpha   June 22nd, 2011 1:55a.m.

Hi there, everyone!

I took one year of Chinese last year at my university and have continued on my own using the same textbook series (NPCR). And, of course, I'm using Skritter as a tool to learn how to write and read characters.

My issue: Skritter covers characters at a somewhat faster pace than the pace that I have with my textbook reading. What have other students done to deal with this issue? Have you just continued on with Skritter and kept learning vocabulary while having a different pace for textbook reading? What about those who are confined within a class, with a pace already set for going through lessons?

scott   June 22nd, 2011 11:33a.m.

You might want to use the setting "Section Movement" which you can set here:


Change it to "stop adding list on section complete" so that each time you finish a section of any list, it automatically goes from adding to reviewing until you manually change it back. You can resuming adding from that list easily from the study nav:


You can also do this manually by going to the study nav yourself and clicking 'stop adding' for that list whenever you want to pause and catch up.

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